All room services like Restaurants, Butler, Chat with On-Site Staff and more, all available from the reach of your SmartPhone or TV
Manage all of your amenities with different options of control tools, all to get the best experience during your stay
Stay Tuned from the comfort of your house with Flight tracker, Weather Info and a highly customizable information board
With the push of a button, get immediate assistance from On-Site staff
View thousands of different TV channels & Video On demand
Check-In or Check-Out and safely open the door of your room, all within your smartphone
Convert your home into a smart unit with the SiDC Room Automation System
It has never been so easy to turn on or off the lights! Just speak it up and see it happen! You can also control the Air Conditioner,Make yourself a cup of coffee, Ask for information and more!
Select different Lighting Environment patters designed for the best comfort, these includes Reading Mode, Sleep Mode, Watch Tv Mode, Power Saver and more!
With over 30 years of experience deploying engineering solutions, SiDC invites You to feel the Amazing Performance of a hand-stitched system designed for your own house
Access the full potential of the Room Automation system from your SmartPhone and do cool stuff like controlling the tv, order food, chat with on-site staff, mirror your phone into the tv and more!
Fully integrated with the Room Automation and the IPTV Services, control every aspect of your room enviroment with this amazing tool
SiDC Offers over 30 years of experience and a solid deployment background on IPTV and VOD services. Actively working on updates to the systems and real-time customer support we care about your user Experience
All within one Service!!